Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Milford Quarries

Originally Posted: 2015/09/14
The Milford quarry is located in Milford MA. The quarries began In the 1860's due to the discovery of pink granite. The granite became hugely popular and was being sold to places such as New York, Boston, and France. It became one of the largest buisnesses in Milford with over 1,000 workers over the years. Out of seven quarries, Fletcher's quarry became the biggest one.
   Many years later, the quarries got filled up with rain water and became great swimming areas. Many people in Milford learned how to swim in these quarries. Now people seek the thrill of using the quarry as a cliff jumping spot. Flethcers quarry (or Milford quarry) is the only quarry that is good for jumping off. It is about 140ft deep and has some cleaner water than the others. But that doesn't appose from the threats it does have. There are many jagged rocks and one car underneath the water that can drown you or severely hurt you. In 2014 an 18 year old jump off the cliff and drowned in the water. His friends say he hit the water awkwardly and never came up. Police say he got caught on something and drowned. 
    Although tragic insedents like this happens, I still find this place to be a great place to visit. I myself have jumped off the cliff and I felt very save. There are two places to jump from and the one that has the rocks underneath is labeled "bone city". Many people don't jump from there because of the recent death. So I would recommend either jumping from the safe ledge, or just going swimming. 
News source- https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/07/07/miford-quarry-search-continues-after-teen-goes-missing/Yq7gAZr3c5CogewRCcZaaP/story.html


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun place to go to - albeit not legal or safe. It is a beautiful location though, and you have done a nice job of proving us with the history of it as well.
